Danmon Group UK Completes Studio Relocation and Full-UHD Upgrade for That Lot

Accompanying images:

That Lot studio with full-colour LED-backlit cyclorama.
That Lot client suite.
Close-up of That Lot studio control desk.

London, UK, June 13th, 2022: Danmon Group UK announces the completion of a multi-camera studio and control room upgrade for That Lot, one of Europe's leading providers of social media content production support. The project coincided with the relocation of That Lot's headquarters to new premises in Bishopsgate. It is an upgrade of the entire multi-camera studio to full UHD vision, routing, recording, monitoring and archiving.

"Danmon Group UK proved an effective and efficient partner when we commissioned the broadcast-quality facilities at our Holborn premises in 2019," says Ben Forder, Head of Video at That Lot. "That made it the logical choice for this venture. Moving to new headquarters at 135 Bishopsgate gives us extra space and a working environment much more in tune with the dynamic style of production which we strive to achieve. In addition to the UHD upgrade, ATG partnered with us in upgrading the audio system to support a new sound workflow, including a Unity server, rerouting and additional capabilities such as de-embedding from SDI channels."

"This relocation was almost entirely of equipment which we integrated for the original project, plus additional studio lighting," adds Jonathan Hughes, Danmon Group UK's Head of Systems Integration. "The studio retains the original Blackmagic Design 4K UHD cameras which are still giving excellent results both in the studio and when operated on location.

"Studio illumination is from a ceiling-mounted Cirro rig which can be adjusted to create the lighting required for live or recorded production in a wide range of styles. A full-colour LED-backlit cyclorama is incorporated to achieve sharp chroma-key superimposition over any background. 360 degree surround video and audio capture can also be performed if required.

"The control room suite is used for live production and editing. Enhanced facilities here now include a full UHD vision mixer and routing switcher capturing to Softron recorders and SNS EVO networked storage. We have also relocated a digital audio mixer, graphics computers, a Custom Consoles desk and Sonifex talkbacks.

"The new installation is very similar to the original apart from some modifications to the router interfacing and recabling where necessary to allow for different studio and control room sizes."

That Lot (www.thatlot.co.uk) was founded in 2014 by comedian, actor, writer and director David Schneider, TV and brand-writing specialist David Levin, plus (from the world of finance and design) David Beresford. It specialises in 'social-first' platform-specific content and production, recently branching out into radio, TVCs and longform content. The company's client list includes Spotify, Amazon Prime Video, Microsoft, HSBC, L'Oreal, Have I Got News For You, Fox, McCain and M&S. That Lot’s workforce is led by Managing Directors David Beresford and Laura Tannenbaum (former social media and marketing specialist at Bauer Media, News UK and Global Radio). It includes a large in-house group of creatives, designers, writers and videographers, as well as project managers and account teams.

Danmon Group UK (www.atgdanmon.co.uk), part of the Danmon Group, is an international systems integrator and a world-class supplier of broadcast systems planning, design, installation and commissioning services. Customers include some of the world’s largest television and multimedia networks. Danmon Group UK is also active in the educational and corporate sectors. The company has partnered with many clients in the construction of IT-based automated file workflow systems, high-definition studios, master control rooms and playout facilities, as well as the upgrade of existing SD systems to HD and UHD. With offices in Asia, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, the Danmon Group (www.danmon.com) thinks globally and acts locally to support customers with its highly experienced sales and engineering teams.

Contact for further information

Danmon Group UK
Email: info@danmon.co.uk
Contact person: Howard Dixon
Address: Unit 5, Oakfield Business Corner, Works Road, Letchworth SG6 1FB, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1462 485 444
Web: www.danmon.co.uk

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